Monday, August 10, 2009

Briony Giada Avalon

Age: 22 (in 2069)
Date of Birth: November 28, 2046
Hair: Dirty blonde.. ish
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'3"
House: Ravenclaw
Physical appearance: Briony is ... skinny. Ridiculously skinny. As a flier though, the lack of any sort of bulk at all helps her be fast. If you value your life, you'll not make reference to her size or figure in any way except for compliments. She's always tan from her extensive time outside - out of the Inn and AWAY from that insufferable ghostly grandmother.

Personality: Briony is impatient. She likes things to be done her way, the right way, or not at all. If she has a question, she asks it, and if she doesn't like you, you probably know it. She's stubborn and head strong, but somehow still manages to be soft with the right person. Briony is closest to her father.

History and other stuff you need to know: Briony is the 2nd child of the Avalons, the younger sister to Caroline Avalon (healer at Hogwarts) and older sister to Evie. There's Tobi Avalon, too, but really we hardly even count him. Anywho, Briony's family is the owner of the Avalon Inn. Her mother is a muggle (gasp) and her father is a wizard. The Inn houses both muggles and wizard type. Briony's ready to leave the nest and get a place of her own. Though large, the Inn is just getting smaller and smaller for her. She's coming to realise that unlike her younger sibling(s), she has no place there.

Her real place is on some International Quidditch Team! You hear that, International Teams? OPENYOUREYES! For now, Briony is a Chaser for the Holyhead Harpies.

She apparently has a knack for getting herself photographed in improper positions with International players. Yes, we mean you Adriano Nose-in-the-Cleavage Toussaint and Nikolai I-think-I'm-cute Vannacutt.

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