Monday, August 10, 2009

Albus Severus Potter
Better known as: Al

Age/Year at start of RP: 17/7th year (Head Boy)
Class: 2028-35
House: Phoenix

Hair: Lighter than most of the Potter children, but a dark and very messy brown. It's thick and tries to curl, but usually just ends up standing straight up. Al likes it.
Eyes: Hazel, bordering on green
Physical: Al's built like Rusty, almost exactly; stocky, average height. He doesn't seem as big as Russ though, probably because his personality is so different.

Pet: Al has several owls, all of which he hatched from Hedwig before she died. His favorite is a dalmatian looking owl named Ceridwen.
Wand: 10' Willow with unicorn hair core

Background: Al is the third and final child of Harry and Mattie Potter. He was born the day Hogwarts, as well as Voldemort, fell. Lots of older wizards see the boy as a blessing and what brought down Voldemort, where others have said he harbors the Dark Lord's spirit and will turn on Harry Potter as a final act of revenge. It's really all codswallop and Al is a normal boy. He grew up at the school his parents and aunts and uncles built and is the first Potter to attend it.

Al's a happy guy. He's kind and polite, yet fiercely loyal. He hero worships his older brother Rusty, but probably relates more to his brother's best friend Jake. He's got more family than he can keep up with, always coming and always going, and really wouldn't have it any other way.

He loves the water, he loves to fly. Al wants to travel like Joey, be famous and looked upon like Rusty is, yet be happy and grounded like his parents.

He's a little embarrassed that his best subject is charms when it's a well known fact that all Potters are DADA experts. He's not terrible at the class, he's just better at charms. His mother loves him for it.

His siblings gave him hell when he was named Head Boy in his last year, but really he couldn't have been happier. He'd always felt like he owned the school, and now.. he did. And had a badge that said as much. He'd also asked Perse to be his girlfriend. He wasn't sure why yet, but it seemed like the thing to do. They'd been friends forever, and as far as he could tell they weren't related.

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