Friday, August 14, 2009

Anjelica Lainey

Date of Birth
: 8 March 2028-2050
Date of Resurrection: 5 June 2054
Hogwarts: 2039-2046, Ravenclaw
Significant Other: Alec Cooper
Children: Colby Jack 2068

History of Magic Professor: 2052-2055, 2056-2067
Ravenclaw Head of House: 2056-2063
Ravenclaw House Ghost: 2052-2054
Deputy Headmistress: 2056-2063
Previous Occupation: Auror

Height: 5'6"
Hair: Brown, with streaks of black (graying now, but shh)
Eye Color: Blue

Anjelica Lainey was raised by her overly eccentric mother. Her mother was barely human, so she pretty much raised herself. If not for a life-changing ride on the Hogwarts Express at 11 with Cassandra Cooper, Anjelica Lainey might have never gained what little social skills she possesses.

At Hogwarts, Anj and Cass were both sorted into Ravenclaw, though Anj often questioned her position there. Surely the Sorting Hat only placed her there because she'd asked it to keep her with Cass. Either way, the Cass and Anj were inseparable throughout their years at Hogwarts. They remained inseparable after school and right into the Auror Training Program.

During Auror training, Cass met, fell in love with, and married Alexander Rae, one of the Auror trainers who was a few years older than her. Rae was a fairly well-known and well-liked Auror, having gained some notoriety for his roguish charm and heroic deeds. Problem there was that Anj also loved Rae - from the tips of her toes to the end of her nose, she loved him. She never told a soul. Anj was a full-time Auror for almost two years, partnering with Rae and Rae in a variety of dangerous missions. One evening, on what should have been an easy raid, the team was lured into a trap. Alexander and Anj were killed in the fight, and Cass was injured and pulled out by another team member.

Funny thing though, Lainey's time apparently wasn't up. She stayed with hers and Rae's body in an ethereal form - then disappeared completely for a few years. What can only be called fate brought ghost!Lainey back to Cassandra Rae and Hogwarts. Headmaster Hendrik offered her the History of Magic position and Lainey accepted.

In a serious of unfortunate, odd, terrible, and wonderful events, Anjelica Lainey was given her body back. With her body, also came her life back. Though there were definite rough patches, many Ministry inquiries and stone throwers, Lainey was happy and healthy and continued teaching at Hogwarts.

These days, Lainey is retired from teaching and the Aurors. She is happily married to the man she should have loved for decades more than she did. Alec Cooper, Cassandra Rae's younger brother, has pretty much loved Lainey since the first time she went the Cooper home on holiday at 11 years old. It took Anj years and years to reciprocate that love.

They married in a private ceremony and are now the proud parents of Colby Jack Cooper.

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