Monday, August 10, 2009

Lucy Malfoy

Age/Year at start of RP: 11/1st year
Class: Class of 2033-40
House: Unicorn
Hair: Spiraling blond curls that are worn in a variety of different ways. She keeps it long though.
Eyes: Lucy has her father's eyes as far as shape, but inherited the green from her mother.
Physical: Lucy is 11 and she's small. She hasn't hit puberty yet, so she's just a baby still, really. She dresses in nothing but the best and is very, very rarely seen in anything less than a dress. Lucy keeps QP's in business.

Pet: Lucy has a white Persian cat named Lucifer.
Wand: 7 and 3/4' Hawthorn, Phoenix feather core

Background: Lucy is the first born of Orion and Joey Malfoy. She's a worldly little lady, going everywhere Joey and Orion went with their job. She'll tell you as much, showing off her various trinkets from the world. Lucy loves gold and glitter and anything expensive. However, she is strangely giving (to the right people). She idolizes Persephone and tries hard to be her protege. Lucy also loves her Aunt Quinn more than life because she keeps her clothed (and is a gorgeous, refined lady).

Lucy has always taken it to heart when her father and grandparents called her a princess. That's why Leo's birth was a bit of an event for her. he stole her thunder and Lucy took a while to warm up to him. He's still a little rat of a brother, but Lucy is mildly protective of him.

Lucy is eloquent in all her ways and gifted performer (I think she dances and is a very good speaker). She exudes natural charm (a trait from Orion), but also has a temper (From Joey).

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